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Email: travel@kaiyuan.de
Tel: 0049-89-38037888(欧洲拨打)
Tel: 4000805000(国内拨打)
Email: air@kaiyuan.de
欧洲拨打: 0049-89-38037889
Email: ticket@kaiyuan.de

意大利南法循环线(Redline-VN) [编号:2504]

  • Yang** 在19小时前成功预订访新怀旧看东欧-捷斯匈奥德法 六国九日之旅
  • Zhao** 在19小时前成功预订北欧全景九日游(丹麦+瑞典+芬兰+挪威)
  • ASIELAND** 在19小时前成功预订比利时布鲁日一日畅游之旅【巴黎往返】
  • Zhao** 在19小时前成功预订北欧全景九日游(丹麦+瑞典+芬兰+挪威)
  • HU** 在18小时前成功预订遇见最美希腊——圣托里尼+天空之城五日游
  • QU ** 在18小时前成功预订【奇峰湖泊,亲近自然】法瑞双国,金色快车之旅
  • Sun** 在17小时前成功预订感受意大利
  • CHOI** 在17小时前成功预订荷比卢德法: 大广场 大风车 大峡谷四日风情之旅
  • XIAO** 在17小时前成功预订慕尼黑一日游A线:新天鹅堡+林德霍夫宫+壁画村上阿默高
  • Wang** 在17小时前成功预订东欧瑞士循环线
  • YI** 在16小时前成功预订意犹未尽意大利六日游|佛罗伦萨+比萨+五渔村+威尼斯+天空之城< 罗马上下>
  • Wang** 在16小时前成功预订【冰岛经典】冰与火之歌,冰岛六日五晚深度游
  • WEI** 在16小时前成功预订意犹未尽意大利7天6晚深度游<罗马上下>
  • Liu** 在15小时前成功预订遍游西欧
  • Tong** 在14小时前成功预订 遇见最美希腊——雅典+圣托里尼+梅黛奥拉天空之城六日游
  • Tong** 在14小时前成功预订意犹未尽意大利7天6晚深度游<罗马上下>
  • Mu** 在12小时前成功预订感受意大利
  • Yang** 在11小时前成功预订迷失在巴尔干半岛9日游
  • Lu** 在10小时前成功预订遍游西欧循环线
  • Lu** 在10小时前成功预订遍游西欧循环线
  • FU** 在6小时前成功预订【精品甄选·英国】英格兰+苏格兰+高地古堡+牛津剑桥7日畅享之旅(伦敦上下)
  • JIN** 在2小时前成功预订一国深度 瑞士雪国金色快车六日之旅
  • LI** 在2小时前成功预订MSC神女号-冬季8天7夜环地中海圣诞假期之旅-西班牙帕尔玛上下
  • Ding** 在2小时前成功预订感受意大利
  • zhang** 在1小时前成功预订【冰岛经典】冰与火之歌,冰岛六日五晚深度游
  • CHEN** 在1小时前成功预订冰岛极光奇妙夜一日游(英文团)
  • zhang** 在1小时前成功预订7日纵贯拉普兰极光破冰之旅•芬兰圣诞老人村|破冰船|捕捞帝王蟹|驯鹿农场|狗拉雪橇|雪地摩托追极光|极地VR列车
  • MU** 在1小时前成功预订东欧瑞士循环线
  • Yan** 在16分钟前成功预订欧洲风情游B线 ꔷ 意大利+西欧12日游
  • LIU** 在7分钟前成功预订荷比卢德法: 大广场 大风车 大峡谷四日风情之旅
已有473人出游 查看点评
  • WU先生2024-09-11 07:41预定了2人游
  • LUONG先生2024-09-06 14:12预定了2人游
  • PHUNG先生2024-09-04 12:43预定了1人游
  • NGUYEN女士2024-08-20 10:07预定了4人游
  • TRUONG女士2024-08-20 09:53预定了2人游
  • TRAN先生2024-08-06 11:28预定了2人游
  • NGUYEN先生2024-07-10 10:02预定了6人游
  • PHAM女士2024-07-10 09:43预定了2人游
  • NGUYEN女士2024-07-10 03:48预定了2人游
  • DO女士2024-07-08 10:05预定了2人游
693/人起 价格说明





















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路线名称:意大利南法循环线(Redline-VN) ; [ 欧洲旅游, 欧洲环游 ]

上客城市: 巴黎(Paris) 上团时间:08:30上团地点:2Place de la Porte Maillot 75017 paris,地铁1号线PORTE MAILLOT站4号出口(Palais des Congres前)
卢塞恩(Luzern) 上团时间:08:30上团地点:卢塞恩主火车站正门入口(Bahnhofplatz 1, 6003 Luzern, Switzerland)
米兰(Milano) 上团时间:15:00上团地点:斯福尔扎城堡门口喷泉(fontana la turta di spus)
威尼斯(Venice) 上团时间:8:00 上团地点:酒店(具体见上团通知书)
罗马(Roma) 上团时间:08:30上团地点:罗马斗兽场(Piazza del Colosseo, 1, 00184 Roma, Italy)
佛罗伦萨(Florence) 上团时间:09:00上团地点:圣十字广场(Piazza di Santa Croce, 50122 Firenze)
圣雷莫(San Remo) 上团时间:8:00 上团地点:酒店
摩纳哥(Monaco) 上团时间:09:30,上团地点:摩纳哥海洋博物馆Avenue Saint-Martin, 98000 Monaco
里昂(Lyon) 上团时间:08:15上团地点:白莱果广场(Place Bellecour69002 Lyon)

下客城市: 卢塞恩,威尼斯,米兰,罗马,佛罗伦萨,圣雷莫,比萨,摩纳哥,里昂,巴黎,卢塞恩,威尼斯,米兰,罗马,佛罗伦萨,圣雷莫,比萨,摩纳哥,里昂,巴黎


巴黎(Paris) 上团时间: 08:30 上团地点: 2Place de la Porte Maillot 75017 paris,地铁1号线PORTE MAILLOT站4号出口(Palais des Congres前)

卢塞恩(Luzern) 上团时间: 08:30 上团地点: 卢塞恩主火车站正门入口(Bahnhofplatz 1, 6003 Luzern, Switzerland)

米兰(Milano) 上团时间: 15:00 上团地点: 斯福尔扎城堡门口喷泉(fontana la turta di spus)

威尼斯(Venice) 上团时间: 8:00 上团地点: 酒店(具体见上团通知书)

罗马(Roma) 上团时间: 08:30 上团地点: 罗马斗兽场(Piazza del Colosseo, 1, 00184 Roma, Italy)

佛罗伦萨(Florence) 上团时间: 09:00 上团地点: 圣十字广场(Piazza di Santa Croce, 50122 Firenze)

圣雷莫(San Remo) 上团时间: 8:00 上团地点: 酒店

摩纳哥(Monaco) 上团时间: 09:30, 上团地点: 摩纳哥海洋博物馆Avenue Saint-Martin, 98000 Monaco

里昂(Lyon) 上团时间: 08:15 上团地点: 白莱果广场(Place Bellecour69002 Lyon)







圣雷莫(San Remo)










圣雷莫(San Remo)






上下团加住城市 单人间 双人双床
Paris €120 €75
Luzern €130 €80
Venice €100 €65
Roma €100 €65
Florence €100 €65
Sanremo €70 €45
Lyon €100 €65

6岁以下儿童有6.5折优惠! (*注意:儿童不占床位,如需床位请与我们联系!如果是一个大人带小孩,小孩全价)

卢塞恩上车价格减少: €75/人    米兰上车价格减少: €75/人    威尼斯上车价格减少: €150/人    罗马上车价格减少: €225/人    佛罗伦萨上车价格减少: €300/人    圣雷莫上车价格减少: €375/人    摩纳哥上车价格减少: €375/人    里昂上车价格减少: €450/人    卢塞恩下车价格减少: €450/人    威尼斯下车价格减少: €375/人    米兰下车价格减少: €375/人    罗马下车价格减少: €300/人    佛罗伦萨下车价格减少: €225/人    圣雷莫下车价格减少: €150/人    比萨下车价格减少: €150/人    摩纳哥下车价格减少: €75/人    里昂下车价格减少: €75/人    卢塞恩下车价格增加: €75/人    威尼斯下车价格增加: €150/人    米兰下车价格增加: €150/人    罗马下车价格增加: €225/人    佛罗伦萨下车价格增加: €300/人    圣雷莫下车价格增加: €375/人    比萨下车价格增加: €375/人    摩纳哥下车价格增加: €450/人    里昂下车价格增加: €450/人    巴黎下车价格增加: €525/人    

注意事项: 全程单人间,费用需要增加€300/人起;

  • 4 stars hotel

  • 共29个上下车地点

  • 旅游巴士(根据团组人数安排不同的车型)

  • 用餐见详细行程内容

  • Vietnamese Guide

  • 暂无航班信息

第1天 ParisDijonLuzern
After leaving Paris in the morning, we're heading for Dijon, the capital of Burgundy, which is steeped in history and has a variety of historical and cultural heritages. Burgundy is a famous wine producing area in France at the same time. Here you'll vist palais des ducs et des Etas de Bourgogne, Notre Dame Dijon and Praça da Liberdade. Overnight in Luzern or a city nearby.

巴黎(Paris) 上团时间: 08:30 上团地点: 2Place de la Porte Maillot 75017 paris,地铁1号线PORTE MAILLOT站4号出口(Palais des Congres前)


Twin/Double Room
第2天 LuzernMilanVenice
Today's experience begins with a visit to Luzern city. Here you'll set your eyes upon Chapel Bridge, Lion Monument and Lake luzern. Next we'll leave for Milan, city of Design and Fashion, to feel the pristine breath in the modern atmosphere. The guide will take you to Castello Sforzesco, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II and Duomo di Milano. After enjoying the delights in Milan, we'll make for our next stop in Venice.Overnight in Venice or a city nearby.

卢塞恩(Luzern) 上团时间: 08:30 上团地点: 卢塞恩主火车站正门入口(Bahnhofplatz 1, 6003 Luzern, Switzerland)

米兰(Milano) 上团时间: 15:00 上团地点: 斯福尔扎城堡门口喷泉(fontana la turta di spus)



Including breakfast in hotel
Twin/Double Room
第3天 VeniceRome
Spending the wonderful morning with the local guide to explore Venice, know as "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea. Our day begins with a waterbus ride to the main island, and then take the Gondola to see around the charm of Venice. We'll past Piazza San Marco, Ponte dei Sospiri, and enjoy the beauty of the city of Water. In the late afternoon the bus will transfer us to Rome. Overnight in Rome or a city nearby.

威尼斯(Venice) 上团时间: 8:00 上团地点: 酒店(具体见上团通知书)


Including breakfast in hotel
Twin/Double Room
第4天 Rome Florence
The morning begins with the beakfast buffet at the hotel, then we will go to discover Rome, the city of Eternal, it has accumulated too much unforgettable spectacularity with the passage of time. We'll take our time visiting Colosseo, Piazza Venezia, Piazza di Spagna and other Roman relics, after the leisure walk, we go to Florence for overnight.

罗马(Roma) 上团时间: 08:30 上团地点: 罗马斗兽场(Piazza del Colosseo, 1, 00184 Roma, Italy)



Note: the Rome church has a free visit to the outside world, but it faces strict requirements and can't wear a sling shirt, slippers, shorts, and short skirts. 

Including breakfast in hotel
Twin/Double Room
第5天 FlorencePisaSanremo
Today's tour leaves from Rome for a scenic journey. History and tradition are equally evident in your next location: Florence, the principle of scenic Tuscana, the art center during 15th & 16th Century and the birthplace of Italian Renaissance. We'll begin the day by visiting Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore and piazza della Signoria, then we'll depart for Pisa, to get a glimpse of the iconic Leaning Tower and the Medieval architectures in the Square of Miracles. Then we'll head for our next destination San Remo and Spend the night there.

佛罗伦萨(Florence) 上团时间: 09:00 上团地点: 圣十字广场(Piazza di Santa Croce, 50122 Firenze)

圣雷莫(San Remo)


Including breakfast in hotel
Twin/Double Room
第6天 San RemoMonacoGannesLyon
Afer breakfast, you'll be guided to the Monaco , a small principal, to enjoy the medieval streets and palaces. Then our journey continues to Cannes, famous for it's sea view and Cannes Film Festival. We'll take the bus to Lyon afterwards..

圣雷莫(San Remo) 上团时间: 8:00 上团地点: 酒店

摩纳哥(Monaco) 上团时间: 09:30, 上团地点: 摩纳哥海洋博物馆Avenue Saint-Martin, 98000 Monaco



Including breakfast in hotel
Twin/Double Room
第7天 LyonParis
After leaving Lyon in the morning, we'll go back to Paris. Paris is an old but romantic city which fascinates you by its relics and sense of modernness. You'll spend you last day visiting Eiffel Tower, Arc de triomphe, Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris, then take the Seine River Cruise and finish our tour.

里昂(Lyon) 上团时间: 08:15 上团地点: 白莱果广场(Place Bellecour69002 Lyon)



In order to make a better tour, a tour guide has the right to adjust the order of sightseeing according to the time of the day and the place of accommodation. Please be considerate.

The marking time in this page is all reference time. The actual arrival time will be delayed due to all kinds of force majeure causes such as weather, traffic jam, traffic accidents, holiday events, riots and strikes. Please forgive us. If you have the following schedule to travel to other cities by other means of transportation, we strongly advise you to reserve at least 3 hours of free time, so as to avoid inconvenience caused by delayed travel. We are not responsible for the loss of your own schedule because you have not reserved enough spare time.


Including breakfast in hotel


1)A double room (standard for two people) in the four star hotel listed in the itinerary.

2)Every hotel provide breakfast.

3)Chinese tour guide (tour guide does not enter the tourist attractions),a foreign professional driver.

4)Air conditioning tour bus.

1)Self expense items in the schedule and travel expenses outside the schedule;Baggage handling, storage and overweight fee;

2)Personal consumption (such as telephone, fax, TV pay channel, laundry, drink, restaurant water, etc.);

3)The guest's personal overseas travel insurance;

4)Lunch or Dinner.Guide will give some suggestiones.

5)Tips for drivers and guides;

6)Single room supplement(if you need single room,you need pay 50Eur/pax/day);

7)Extra paid program and other own costs;

8)Extra pre-post hotel:Luzern-- Double room:70€ Single room:120€;

                   Venice-- Double room:38€ Single room:60€;

 Roma-- Double room:38€ Single room:60€;

                   Florence-- Double room:38€ Single room:60€;         

Lyon-- Double room:45€ Single room:70€;

 Paris-- Double room:50€ Single room:80€

Recommended Activities (at self expense)

Ticket for scenic spots

Gondola (more than 6 guests)

40,00 €

Golden watercourse (6 to 8 guests)

40,00 €

River Seine Cruise

Adult: 14,00 €

4-12years old: 6,00€

0-4years old: free

Traffic charges in Rome(If there is a traffic in Rome, it needs to be paid. If there is no ride, no need to pay)

6,00 €

Mandatory Field

City fee and city tax(Members between 6 and 12 years of age are charged at half price;Members under 6 years are free.)

45,00 €

Venice Island Cruise fee

8,00 €


Chinese lunch(standard group meal:5 dishes and 1 soup)

10,00 -12,00€

Chinese dinner(standard group meal:5 dishes and 1 soup)

10,00 -12,00€

Venice special meal


Tips for drivers and guides

Each guest provides a minimum tip to the driver every day

2,00€(during Swiss 3Eur)

Each guest provides a minimum tip to a tour guide every day

2,00€(during Swiss 3Eur)

Local guide tips of Venice


The above is only the reference price,if the price is adjusted,please according to the adjusted price.Extra paid program need to obbey the arrangement by guide.


General Terms & Conditions  KaiYuan Information & Business GmbH (Kaytrip)

The Services and Products offered by KaiYuan can only be used/purchased/reserved by Customers who have first read these General Terms and Conditions and accepted them unconditionally by clicking on the appropriate box provided for the purpose. It is not possible to proceed with the booking process without this acceptance. Customers undertake to fulfill the obligations contained within terms and conditions. The terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to KaiYuan Information & Business GmbH. The term “you” refers to the customer visiting our website, booking and/or reserving one or more Services offered on the website.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

  1. The booking procedure

When making a purchase, you have to enter a valid personal data, as follows: first name, last name, gender, date of birth, valid passport number, preference of room type, email address, postal address, current telephone number, departure city and other details directly connected with your reservation request. You are responsible to provide all correct information. You agree that any charges as a result of incorrect information will be at your expense, providing the change of information is permitted. It is important to check all the information before you confirm the booking.

Confirmation of a booking, which includes the essential elements such as the description of the Service booked and the price, will be sent to you by email. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of placing the booking, please contact customer service.

  1. Payments

The payment is payable upon the receipt of the booking confirmation. Full payment is required five working days prior to start of the holiday.

If payment to KaiYuan has not been made by a specific date advised to you, your booking may be cancelled. Due to the limited number of the participants for the tour (mainly because of coach seats and hotel rooms), the price and reservation can only be guaranteed once we receive full payment. We accept no responsibility for loss incurred due to automatic cancellation. Payment can be made by bank transfer into the KaiYuan trust account, by credit card (additional fees apply), or by cash directly by you at the offices.

After the payment arrangements have been made, we will advise you to send us a copy of the payment information with the order number by email or fax.

  1. Travel Documents

The travel documents will be sent to the email address given by you when making the reservation approximately three days prior to start of the holiday. The travel documents include the information of the tour leader, schedule, itinerary, locations of the stops and other travel related details. Please check out your email or junk mail carefully. If you do not receive any travel documents, please contact our customer service. Please ensure that you have given your contact email address to us and that you regularly check for messages before you leave.

  1. Accommodation

Accommodation may be offered as part of a package tour. The services are subject to the Rules and Restrictions of the hotel supplier offering the accommodation which will be made available before booking.

Single rooms generally have one bed. Double rooms usually have either two single beds or one double. You should be aware that standards can vary between hotel of the same class in different countries, and even in the same country.

It is possible that, from time to time, for reasons (for example a hotel is overbooked due to connectivity issues with the hotel) for reasons of force majeure (for example a hotel is closed due to a hurricane) a hotel booking is cancelled or amended. Should such events occur, we will make all reasonable efforts to notify the customer of this as soon as possible and where possible will offer alternative accommodation in a hotel. Please cooperate with our arrangements.

Customer’s names must be spelt correctly as per passport and match the name spelling on the rooming list. Any charges associated with incorrect names or gender will be at your expense.

  1. Change of booking

Where a change requested by you to your travel arrangements is permitted and possible, our standard service fees will apply. Please note that all reservation changes are subject to availability and terms and conditions of the product purchased.

If after making the booking, you want to change the trip with respect to the date of travel, the destination, the place where the trip starts, the accommodation or the means of transport. You should contact our customer service. A fee may be imposed in the event of a change to a booking. Please refer to the Rules and Restrictions notified in the booking process for more details.

If you want to join part of the tour or have to end the tour earlier, please contact customer service and inform us in advance. You need to fill out and sign the agreement. You may be entitled to a partial refund.

  1. Cancellation

If you cancel your arrangements, you may be entitled to a partial refund. In addition to the cancellation terms and conditions, our standard fees will apply as may be outlined on your receipt or booking confirmation.

  1. Health

Recommended inoculations for travel may change and you should consult your doctor for current recommendations before you depart. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet all health requirements, obtain the recommended inoculations, take all recommended medication, and follow all medical advice in relation to your trip. For medical advice regarding your journey, please contact your doctor.

It is strongly recommended that elderly people(over 60-year-old) should be accompanied by a family member to participate in the journey. Please fill out and sign the Participant agreement and statement. You should be responsible for all the consequences caused by your own reasons during the journey.

If you are pregnant, please inform us in advance. It is not recommended to participate in the journey when you are during 24 – 28 weeks of pregnancy. You need to have a note from your doctor stating you are fit to travel.  When you are before 24 weeks of pregnancy, you need to be accompanied by a family member to travel with you. Please fill out and sign the Participant agreement and statement. You should be responsible for all the consequences caused by your own reasons during the journey.

If you are under 18-year-old, you need to be accompanied by a guardian to participate in the journey.

  1. Passport, Visa and Immigration Requirements

It is your responsibility to fulfill the passport, visa and other immigration requirements applicable to your itinerary. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. We have no special knowledge regarding foreign entry requirements or travel documents. We do not accept any responsibility in the case of you being unable to travel due to not complying with any such requirements. We urge you to review travel prohibitions, warnings, announcements, and advisories issued by the relevant governments prior to booking travel to international destinations.

  1. Insurance

Travel insurance is a vital part of your arrangements. We strongly recommend that you have taken out adequate insurance for the duration of your journey. Travel insurance is a mandatory element of travel arrangements.

  1. Others

Please do not book any flight or train ticket until the booking has been confirmed by us.

Fares & Prices

  1. Prices

A package holiday is a trip, for a single price, with a stay of longer than 24 hours (or including an overnight stay), in which at least two of the following three elements are offered:

- Transportation;

- Accommodation, breakfast inclusive (One day tour does not include accommodation and breakfast);

- A tourist service

The trip descriptions on the Website specify the Services included in the price for each trip. Prices are shown in Euro.

The customer should be aware that the local authorities in certain countries can impose additional taxes (tourist tax, etc), which have to be paid locally. The customer is responsible for paying such additional taxes.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, prices do not include

- Tips for the bus driver, tour guides and other (for example waitress in the restaurant),

- Meals (lunch and dinner) and drinks. If drinking water is not available, the customer will bear the cost of buying it himself/herself;

- Different activities fees, such as tourism attraction entrance fee, ferry, toll fee;

- Insurance, such as travel insurance, medical insurance, baggage insurance;

- Airline services, excess baggage charges, transport from the airport to the accommodation, visa and vaccination charges or any personal expenses (laundry, telephone, drinks, room service, tips, etc);

- Excursions or the use of sports facilities;

- Additional costs incurred due to force majeure factors such as weather, traffic delays, strikes, vehicle malfunctions, personal problems and situations beyond our control;

- Any more general costs that are not expressly included in the confirmation of reservation.

  1. Cancellation policy

If a customer wishes to cancel any part of a booking, cancellation fee will be applied.

- Up to 31 days prior to scheduled departure, 5% of the total package rate will be charged

- Between 30 and 15 days prior to scheduled departure, 20% of the total package rate will be charged

- Between 14 and 8 days prior to scheduled departure, 50% of the total package rate will be charged

- Within 7 days, 100% of the total package rate will be charged

  1. Change of booking

If a customer wishes to change any part of a booking, change fee will be applied.

- Up to 31 days prior to scheduled departure, no change fee

- Between 30 and 15 days prior to scheduled departure, 10% of the total package rate will be charged

- Between 14 and 8 days prior to scheduled departure, 30% of the total package rate will be charged

- Within 7 days, 100% of the total package rate will be charged

The standard fee and extra accommodation fee are included in the total package rate.





  • 我公司不接受其他付款方式,也不接受除欧元和人民币以外的任何货币。
  • 我公司不接受上车付款。
  • 如果您所汇款项在旅程结束前尚未入账,请在下车前将同等金额的现金交给导游。


请前往报名邮箱,找到订单确认邮件的“在线支付”按钮,打开链接完成支付,或者至网站/小程序/App 我的 > 旅游 选择相应订单完成支付





  • 银行: Deutsche Bank
  • 帐户名: KaiYuan Information Business GmbH
  • IBAN: DE27700700240511296601
  • 德国银行地址:
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Schwanthaler Strasse 32
  • 80336 Munich






  • 电话问询报名: 0049-89-38038800
  • 电子邮件: travel@kaiyuan.de
  • 传真: 0049-89-416159030


以下问答结果仅供参考,可能因客人选择的资源、团期不同而有所变化。 问题内容: | 在线客服







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  • 墨西哥旅行社联合会中国代表单位


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