[好评]: Our tour guide Bella is such a genuine and helpful person. She handles conflicts and difficulties very smoothly. We all really liked her during our journey in Iceland. There are some clients on our bus who have very weird habits. For example, they ate food, chatted loudly and watched Chinese drama without headphones. Bella tried to communicate politely with them many times. She never lost her temper no matter how rude those clients got. She balanced out being respectful and being effective as a team leader. I personally encountered unpleasant confrontations with one of the clients. That person was really rude and she even verbally abused Bella. Again, Bella was very kind and patient with her regardless of how that person treated her. She’s one of the best tour guides I have ever had.
2018-08-28 23:30:22 来自:开元周游电脑版
雷克雅未克 - 黄金圈 - 南部小镇 - 塞里雅兰瀑布 - 南部小镇 - 黑沙滩 - 杰古沙龙冰湖 - 南部小镇 - 雷克雅未克 - 蓝湖 - 雷克雅未克 - 斯奈山半岛 - 雷克雅未克