Wang **
一行共1人导游:刘超[带团23次 好评率0.0%] 司机:Orest Halyshan[好评率100.0%]Christian Wolf,
好评:The places we were visiting are interesting, even we encountered several difficulties, we finally successfully finished our tour and we were most of time happy.
[差评]The schedule is a bit too rush, we barely had enough time to see the places we had been visiting. The tour guide should talk to us more during the trip and introduce us the local snack instead of eating at the hotels.
点评日期:2014-06-23 22:00 参加团期:漫步东欧五国全景七日游 线路反馈 BDO160614 (2014-06-16 -- 2014-06-22)